Prothane Catalog Downloads
If you're just looking for a catalog that you can download and take with you, these are the latest catalogs that Prothane has released. We have updated them with links directly to products so that you can find more info about them or even buy them in a snap.
2019 Catalog
September 2019
Prothane's latest catalog covering all cars and trucks that they make parts for.
2018 Catalog
April 2018
Catalog for Prothane parts published in April 2018. Replaced with the 2019 catalog.
2014 Catalog
May 2014
This catalog was published in May of 2014. It has since been replaced with the 2018 catalog.
2013 Catalog Supplement
A small catalog was was released as a supplement to the 2012 catalog to detail some of the new parts that were released.